Nov 13, 2006

My favorite joke

A penguin is driving through Arizona, and his car starts to overheat. He knows nothing about cars so he pulls into the first mechanics shop he sees. The mechanic is busy, so having never been to Arizona, he decides to walk around for awhile. It doesn't take long till he is dying from the heat, he is a penguin in Arizona after all, and he decides to duck into an icecream parlor for a big refreshing bowl of vanilla icecream. So he orders his bowl, and sits down to eat it. They've given him a spoon, but his flippers can't grip it, so he just starts shoveling. Icecream is flying! It's all over the table, his beak, his chest, even the wall behind him. But, boy, does it hit the spot! So by now the mechanic has surely had a chance to look at his car, so he heads back. When he gets there the mechanic says "Well, it looks like you blew a seal." The Penguin says "No, no, no. It's just icecream."

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